Preparing for Your First OB/GYN Appointment

Are you expecting a baby in or around Chicago, IL? Dr. Teresa Hubka at Comprehensive Wellness Care is the OBGYN to have by your side during this exciting journey.

Tips for Preparing for Your First OBGYN Appointment

Pregnancy comes with a number of exciting moments as well as many overwhelming ones. If this is your first baby, you might wonder what to expect during the initial prenatal visit to your OBGYN. Dr. Hubka and the team at Comprehensive Wellness Care in Chicago, IL have shared some tips to help you prepare.

Expect Several Tests and an Exam

You’ve likely already taken a pregnancy test, which is why you scheduled your appointment. However, you’ll take another one to confirm the results. You will also have some blood drawn and receive a physical exam. This is all critical for monitoring the health of yourself and your baby.

Make a List of Questions

You probably have numerous questions and concerns swirling around in your head right now, but it’s not unusual to forget them when you speak to your doctor. Make a list of everything. Your doctor will be happy to address these issues to help you have peace of mind.

Be Ready to Answer Some, Too

Your doctor and the staff will ask you many questions about the date of your last period, your family history, any medications you take, how you feel physically and emotionally, habits like smoking and drinking, physical activities, and more. It can be helpful to gather as much information as possible to make answering the questions a bit easier.

Go Comfortable

There is no need to dress up for your appointment. It can be easier to wear a comfortable, two-piece outfit. This allows for easier examinations. If your provider performs an ultrasound scan on your first visit, wearing two-piece clothing typically allows you to keep your clothes on instead of having to wear a gown.

You’re Welcome to Bring Your Partner or Someone Else

Pregnancy is a journey that involves both you and your partner. They are welcome to accompany you, ask questions, and be there for emotional support. If your partner is unavailable, you can bring another trusted person with you.

Ready to set up your first OBGYN visit? Call (773) 549-8900 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hubka at Comprehensive Wellness Care in Chicago, IL.

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