The Role of Lifestyle Changes in Managing Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases require a long-term treatment plan to manage the condition and maintain overall health. As such, lifestyle changes play a crucial role in any treatment plan designed by your healthcare provider. Learn more about the importance of lifestyle change in chronic disease treatment by contacting Dr. Teresa Hubka of Comprehensive Wellness Care in Chicago, IL.

Chronic Disease

A chronic disease is a condition with which you must live for an extended period. These conditions typically require ongoing treatment, and lifestyle changes are often an important part of the treatment. This includes changes to your diet, physical activity levels, and stress management. These, along with your prescribed treatment plan from your primary care provider, can greatly improve your overall health.


A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help control chronic disease symptoms and prevent complications. It can also limit the amount of processed foods, unhealthy fats, and sugars consumed.

Physical Activity

Just as a balanced diet and regular physical activity are important to managing chronic diseases, so is taking part in them. In combination, these lifestyle changes can improve cardiovascular health, help you manage your weight, and reduce your risk of complications. Even small changes can make a big difference, and even moderate exercise like walking can help.

Stress Management

Stress can often exacerbate chronic disease symptoms, so it's also important to learn how to manage it. Many stress management techniques can help regulate stress. Speak with your doctor to explore the strategies that may work best for you.

Chronic Disease Treatment in Chicago, IL

Making lasting lifestyle changes can be rewarding yet challenging, but it is not impossible without the right help.

Explore the benefits of chronic disease treatment in Chicago, IL, with Dr. Hubka of Comprehensive Wellness Care by dialing (773) 549-8900.

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